Research Team

Hines Lab Group – Spring 2024. Front Row, L-R: Cody Feuerborn, Ethan Dean, Lauren Hinks, Sarah Frantz, Rachael Shippee, Claire Travis. Back Row: Tunc Dabak, Heather Hines, Aden Goldberg, Jonas Bush

Dr. Heather Hines, Associate Professor

Biology, Entomology & Huck Institute Programs in Ecology, Bioinformatics and Genomics, and MCIBS; Center for Pollinator Research

208 Mueller Lab
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802, USA
Office: 517 Mueller Lab
Lab: 513, 518 Mueller Lab
Office Phone: 814-863-8830

I am interested in understanding biodiversity, from the genes that drive phenotypes (evolutionary genetics) to understanding adaptation and conservation in communities (evolutionary ecology) to deciphering the evolutionary history of these lineages and traits (systematics). I have an appreciation for and have studied aspects of many insect lineages, however my work has largely focused on applying myriad techniques towards understanding the diversity of Hymenoptera (the bees and wasps) and some of their amazing evolutionary innovations. I have mostly focused on the ~270 species of global bumble bees, a keystone pollinator lineage with impressive learning behaviors, efficient foraging strategies, and a primitive level of sociality and recently on phylogenomics and evolutionary genetics of gall induction in gall wasps.

Graduate Students

Jonas Bush, PhD Student

Bumble bee ecological genomics and phylogenomics; Bumble bee color evolution
518 Mueller Lab

Tunç Dabak, Ph.D. student

Evolutionary genetics of mimetic color diversity in bumble bees; genomics & transcriptomics

518 Mueller Lab

Ethan Dean, Ph.D. student

Impact of nutrition, pesticides, and climate on bumble bee colony health

518 Mueller Lab

Cody Feuerborn, MS student

Factors influencing distribution and resilience in bumble bees; thermal and nutritional biology

518 Mueller Lab

PSU Gall Team

Project PIs: Dr. Heather Hines, Dr. John Tooker (back), Dr. Andrew Deans (front right); PhD Students: Charles Davis, Louis Nastasi (front middle); Postbac Research Fellow Antonio Casadei (front left)


Rachael Shippee

Factors that contribute to thermal tolerance in bumble bees.

Aden Goldberg

Heat shock protein response and its interaction with stressors in bumble bees

Lauren Hinks

Effects of climate events on bumble bees and impacts of body size.

Claire Travis

RNAi knockdown in bumble bees

Sarah Frantz

Tongue length evolution and allometry in bumble bees.

Lab Alumni

Antoine Guiguet (Postdoc)

Elena Gratton (grad student)

Shelby Kilpatrick (grad student)

Sarthok Rahman (grad student)

Briana Ezray (grad student)

Colin Wright (postdoc)

Li Tian (postdoc)

Patrick Lhomme (postdoc)

Guillaume Ghisbain (Visiting Scholar/Masters Intern, U. Mons, Belgium)

Luca Franzini (grad student)

Elyse McCormick (Technician)

Tracey Baumgarten (Technician)

Claudia Rosales (Technician)


Allie Bradley

Ren Sawyer

Anna Martinello

Andy Hess

Tatiana Terranova

John Marchiafava

Hannah Jahnke

Tori Strausser

Owen Donovan

Marena Martinez

Luke Gasper-Markel

Margaret Weber

Kylie Warwick

Ashley Heimann

Eris Villalona

Erica Laveaga

Timothy Egner

Sophie Tessier

Casey Carr

Sarah Williams

Carrie Hill

Anna Nixon

Daniel Snellings

Paige Witkowski

Jesse Schneider

Nicole Bracci

Tristan Medina

Daniel Spivack

Rebecca Sommer

Nick MacKnight

Matthew Dowhower

Dianne Lee

Katie Del Guercio

Andrew Walrond

Angela Hoover

Salvatore Anzaldo